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  • Healing for Rejection

    The moment we experience rejection we are offered many lies from the enemy. He offers you lies about who you are, your worth, and your value to your family or the person who rejected you. Rejection is one of the enemy’s most subtle tactics to destroy your identity.

    This book, Healing for Rejection, is a step-by-step process to help you work through identifying lies you have believed during a time when you experienced rejection.

  • Generational Iniquity

    Iniquity is a bend in our nature, whereby we are bent or pulled toward particular sins. Generational iniquity is behind the sin that has been practiced in a previous generation. Sin in your life today, is an action that originates from iniquity. Iniquity is behind all sinful habits that we are not able to get victory over.

    This booklet, Generational Iniquity, will help you work through generational iniquities and break free of the pull towards sinful habits.

  • God’s Love

    Why do many people feel unloved? They have only known conditional love. Conditional love is love that one receives only after all conditions have been met. Since the person has to work so hard to meet all the conditions they feel unloved. God's love is like a river; it flows continuously.

    Some people have only experienced conditional love, this book shows why they have never learned how to receive the river of God's love and let it flow through them to others. You cannot give love when you have not received love. God is love (1 John 4:7) and His pure love flows through the hearts of those who know how to receive His love.

  • Stony Heart

    A stony heart begins to form during childhood. Each time a parent’s words are harsh and not loving, pain is felt. When pain is not removed quickly, a tiny stone forms in the heart. After a period of time, these tiny stones form a wall of self-protection against further hurt. As a person gets older the wall of self-protection blocks the flow of love that the heart desperately needs.

    A person with a stony heart cannot receive love even when those around them are trying to give it. The wall that has been built for self-protection is blocking out love and creating problems in relationships. This booklet will help you work through unresolved pain from the past that has created stones in your heart.


4803 Old Vashti Rd. • Hiddenite, NC 28636