Place of Refreshing

June 28, 2018 // Denise Boggs

Do you feel depleted and burned-out? You will benefit greatly from finding a safe place; a hidden place where you are protected from giving away your very last drop. There are times when God takes us and hides us until we are filled back up. Really, we are only to give to others from our overflow. It is when we have not been refilled and we give to someone our very last drop that we become depleted. God did not create us to live without water. We can’t sustain more than three days without water before our body begins to shut down. Why do we think we can go for a week without spending time with God? If you are tired and depleted, cry out this Psalm to God:

“Keep me as the apple of thy eye, hide me under the shadow of Thy wings.” (Psalm 17:8)

God will hear your cry and take you up at a time when He knows you are tired and weary. If you are a person who is committed to serving others, either your family or others in ministry, you will get tired from the constant demands. You need a place and time to rest, you can’t wait till everything is done. There will always be more laundry to fold and more hurting people to help.

Here’s to what God spoke to Elijah: “Get away from here and turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan.” (1 Kings 17:3 NKJV)

By the brook, all of Elijah’s needs were provided for. He had bread and meat to eat in the morning and evening, and water to drink from out of the brook. You may need a place like Elijah had. Elijah hid in a place of total peace and solitude, from which the crowds are turned away. Elijah stayed in this safe place until the brook dried up. My safe place was a back yard flower garden with a swing. I would sit for hours being refreshed by the Lord. My family respected my time in the garden, for they knew I was with God and they didn’t pull on me while I was there.

Often, we wait until everything is so bad and THEN we call out to the Lord for help. Don’t wait! Call on Him today. God always steps forward to save us when we least expect it, fulfilling His most glorious promise in a supernatural way. Find your own safe place, be refreshed, and escape burn-out.

(originally posted as a devotional September 10, 2014)

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